Email from Secretary:
Recently many of you received an email from the new secretary requesting your membership information and status. Some of you declined to submit the form due to its connection to the Google Suite systems. We respect your concerns and will seek out additional options in order to confirm various long term members status.
As many of you know, there has been a many positions changes within the chapter of the recent years. This has presented a large gap in verified current membership data for many of our members as wells as National HQ. Therefore, over the course of the next couple months, the secretary, along with other committee members, will continue to scrub our data in order to achieve a current database that reflects its members appropriately.
In summary, there may be some members who have paid their 2019 fees but will mistakenly be dropped from the roles. Chapter 1-18 committee is working diligently with National HQ to confirm memberships. We ask for your patients and understanding as we work to produce a current and all inclusive list of our chapters members. If you have been dropped by accident, please email the secretary at and we will get the mistake rectified as soon as feasibly possible.
We look forward to refining the systems and paperwork in order to provide you and the other members with the most efficient and effective chapter systems to support the members needs.